Risk- Based Inspection

API 581 RBI software


  • Perform detailed quantitative calculations for fluid releases, assessing impacts on flammable and toxic areas.

  • Analyse potential consequences across financial losses, operational shutdowns, and material replacement needs, helping you make informed, risk-based decisions.


  • Calculate quantitative damage factors considering mechanisms like thinning, SCC, and fatigue.

  • Assess historical inspection effectiveness while synchronizing in real-time with live inspection data for accurate, up-to-date risk assessments.

Inspection Planning

  • Synchronize with real-time inspection activities while ranking tasks using API-based Inspection Effectiveness.

  • Preview and approve inspection plans for streamlined and efficient execution.

Process Stream

  • Manage process fluid concentrations categorized as streams, utilizing an API fluid table that details chemical characteristics for precise analysis and monitoring.

Risk Analysis

  • Perform both mitigated and non-mitigated risk calculations, with automatic inspection planning based on results.

  • Set customisable risk targets to align with your specific safety and compliance objectives.